McKay's In Oz

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Daycare Christmas Party

Christmas kids

Friday, December 14, 2007

Almost on the move

Lachlan is so close to crawling its not funny. He started the week with us having to prop him up on all fours but can get there himself now. He can get to something eventually at the moment either by shuffling on him bum or by kind of sliding backwards on him tummy. He's having the odd crash though and has a bruise on his forehead at the moment, but most of all he's just super frustrated!!

The Godfather

When we asked Stew and Angie if they would be Lachlan's godparents they happily accepted. Then Stew proceeded to get very drunk and sentimental as you can see.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ring-a-ring-a Rosie